Admission Arrangements
Kingfishers Preschool (2-4 years)
Kingfishers Preschool accepts applications for places throughout the academic year, subject to availability. Please contact Sarah at Mursley Church of England School to request information about current availability. Tel: 01296 720305
Drayton Parslow Village School & Mursley CE School (4-7 years)
Applications for places at Drayton Parslow Village School and Mursley Church of England School are made through the Local Authority. Our admissions limit for each year group is 15. The policy which details the catchment area and over subscription criteria for entry can be viewed on the Buckinghamshire Council Website. To apply for a place at these schools, you need to contact the Local Authority in which you live.
Swanbourne CE School (7-11 years)
Swanbourne is a Church of England ‘Voluntary Aided’ School, as such the Governors are responsible for deciding on admissions to the school. We work closely with Buckinghamshire Council, who co-ordinate admissions to all maintained schools in Buckinghamshire. To apply for a year 3 place, moving up to junior school, you need to contact the Local Authority in which you live. Our admissions limit for each year group is 30. Further information can be found in the policy below.
If you would like to apply for an in-year place at Swanbourne School (admission at any other time apart from year 3 September admissions) please complete the google form by clicking on or copying the link below. This will add your child to the school waiting list.
Swanbourne In Year Admission Form - Click here or copy the link below:
Buckingham Council website links are as follows.
Section | Webpage |
School Admissions | |
Starting school or moving up to junior school | |
Moving up to secondary school | |
Changing school in year | |
Find my child a school place | |
Drayton Parslow and Mursley Appeals | |
In year application (Drayton Parslow and Mursley) | |