No room for Racism Workshops – KS2 workshops with MK Dons
On Friday 15th September 2023, Charlie from the MK Dons SET came into Swanbourne CE School and delivered a ‘No room for racism’ workshop to all KS2 pupils in their classrooms.
Charlie shared with us how badly racism can affect someone and shared some examples of how children have suffered racist comments, attitudes and language from their classmates, older children and adults.
We were able to discuss how it would feel to be bullied or upset by someone and their racist behaviour, just because of the way we look, speak or our family background.
We were able to come up with some very emotive words to show how we would feel if we were treated in this way, we thought of the following;
• Depressed
• Annoyed
• Alienated
• Exasperated
• Livid
• Angry
• Lonely
• Isolated
We had some very interesting discussions surrounding what it would feel like to be excluded just because of your race. We also shared ideas on what we felt we could do to support and help someone who experienced this and why we should do this.
Charlie’s presentation was very powerful, it made us think and remember that if we don’t share or worries and experiences with a trusted adult, things can get even worse.
We would like to thank Charlie and MK Dons SET for the workshop, it was incredibly interesting and really made us think and reflect on our own behaviours and the behaviours of others. We all want to ‘be the change;’ and end racism!
We are looking forward to taking part in the Show Racism the Red Card art and writing competitions this year!
(Scarlett and Stevie – Year 6)