Super SATs Success for Year 6!
Swanbourne SATs results for Year 2023 have surpassed both local and national results and we are delighted with our pupils’ incredible results! This is testament to the hard work and resilience of our pupils, staff and parents – we are very proud of you all!
The percentage of pupils achieving the Expected Standard (A Scaled score of at least 100)
• 89% in English Reading – Higher than National (73%)
• 89% in English Writing – Higher than National (71%)
• 82% in Maths – Higher than National (73%)
• 96% in Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation – Higher than National (72%)
• 79% Combined in Reading, Writing and Maths – Higher than National (59%)
The percentage of pupils achieving Greater Depth (A Scaled score of at least 110)
• 54% in English Reading (No National Comparators)
• 25% in English Writing (No National Comparators)
• 50% in Maths (No National Comparators)
• 36% in Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (No National Comparators)
• 25% Combined in Reading, Writing and Maths (No National Comparators)
EVERY pupil has made exceptional progress from their own starting points and we are delighted with their achievements. We are enormously proud of their hard work, dedication and the resilience they have demonstrated in their learning throughout the year!
SATs results are only a snapshot of a child’s ability; as always we celebrate all achievements and examples of when we see our pupils Shine in and out of the classroom.
Well done Year 6, what an AMAZING year, we cannot wait to see what you can achieve in your last few days at Swanbourne.