Year 6 visit the Natural History Museum in London – A Pupil Perspective
On Thursday 16th January, Year 6 pupils went to the Natural History Museum in London. After a coach ride into London, we arrived at the
museum at 10.45am. We went straight downstairs to the school rooms, dropped off our coats and bags and had an early lunch at 11.00am. Once we had finished our lunches, we started our journey around the museum.
There were so many different zones we wanted to visit as
they all linked to our Science topic of Adaptation and Evolution, our English work looking at the life of Charles Darwin, as well as our
Geography topic of Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
We started by visiting the Mary Anning room and looked at the amazing display of fossils that have been discovered or collected by Mary Anning in the 1800s, we could not believe the size of some of the fossils they were ENORMOUS!
Next, we made our way to the main hall, we saw the statue of Charles Darwin, a giant Sequoia tree stump that was over 1335 years old when it was chopped down and some amazing displays of sea birds, land-based birds and a very interesting exhibit on explorers and their
After that, we went to the bird section, we saw a fantastic display of hummingbirds and spent a long time looking at the anatomy of different types of birds and how they had evolved, including amazing Eagles, Dodos and Vultures, which were much bigger than we expected!
We then visited the Earthquake and Volcano zone, unfortunately, the escalator that travelled through the Earth’s core was broken, but we
had an amazing time when we got to the earthquake simulator and experienced what it is like during the different stages of an earthquake that took place in Japan in the 1990s. We also learnt so much about the different types of rocks, different types of reasons for earthquakes
and saw a brilliant display on crystals that are found in the Earth – some of the crystals were so big that the Scientists looked like ants.
Finally, we were able to visit the dinosaur section, it was wonderful to find out so much about the different dinosaurs as well as meeting a full-size T-Rex that surprised us all when we turned the corner and were faced with his deadly smile!
At 2.15pm, we headed back to the school rooms and collected our belongings before heading to the coach to make our way home. We had a
great day and really enjoyed visiting the museum to bring our learning to life. Thank you to Mrs Flefel, Miss Standring and Mr May for taking us out of school for such an exciting trip!