Years 5 and 6 take part in knife crime workshop
On Tuesday 28th January Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a Knife Crime Intervention workshop.
The Safety Centre Charity (Hazard Alley) have been awarded funding from The Heart of Bucks Community Foundation to provide fully funded workshops, teaching about Knife Crime Intervention to Year 5 or 6 classes across Buckinghamshire. We have been lucky enough to access these sessions as our school falls in the area set out in the funding.
These workshops lasted 1 hour 15 minutes each and were delivered in an age-appropriate way by Jodie from the Hazard Alley Safety Centre.
The children learnt about:
• How choices have consequences that can affect us, our future, friends, family, and the wider community
• The risks of carrying knives
• The consequences of being involved in Knife Crime
• The laws around knife crime
• Where to get help and support
The Year 5 pupils also went through a ‘story’ of how a young person becomes involved in carrying a knife and explored each choice the character makes, and how this affects his life and the people around him.
The Year 6 session started with a quiz, which highlighted the key messages needed to move forward in the session, which included information on;
• Decision making through practical activities
• Discussion around scenarios involving knives to clarify any misconceptions
• Exploring how and why peer pressure can affect decision making and outcomes
• Strategies for staying safe
• An introduction to ‘Joint enterprise’, exploring this theme through a film narrated by a young person who received a jail sentence for being a bystander in an incident involving a knife
• Where to report or get help and support with knife crime
A really important and informative workshop.