The intent of our personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum, is to deliver a holistic ethos which pervades through everyday life, as well as a curriculum which is accessible to all. We endeavour to maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more by completing the programme of study for each year group. At The Three Schools, PSHE education is inclusive and enables all our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about British Values and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
At The Three Schools we seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: emotional health education and resilience, drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (RSE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.
At The Three Schools we use the guidance and resources from PSHE Association and Medway within a whole school PSHE programme. Learning is contextualised and made relevant to real life experiences in order to motivate, stimulate and engage children and help them understand how they can apply their learning in their everyday life.
The scheme of work includes:
- Relationships – Similarities and differences; diversity; individuality; our bodies; respect for selves and others; safety (including online safety); human rights; courteous behaviour; becoming independent
- People who care for us - Families and other groups that we belong to; family life; caring for each other
- Friendship - Making positive friendships; managing loneliness and arguments; respect for others; bullying; online friendships and –safety
- Health and Wellbeing - Being healthy: eating, drinking, keeping active, sleeping, medicines, dental care; People who help us with our health; keeping safe: recognising risk and the importance of rules; Keeping safe at home and school; Feelings: mood, times of change, bereavement, growing up; self-esteem/self worth and managing set-backs; Identity: personal qualities; Basic First Aid and dealing with emergencies and accidents; Healthy habits: Awareness of Drugs, tobacco and alcohol and their effects.
- Sex education programme in Y5 and Y6 (Parents have the right to withdraw from Sex Education Programme, but not PSHE)
- Children will learn about similarities and differences between themselves and other and the importance of respect
- Children will learn about caring for others and the value of ‘belonging’
- Children will learn how to keep themselves and others safe.
- Children will learn how to keep themselves healthy (physically and mentally).
- Children will demonstrate and apply British Values.
- Children will have an understanding about relationships and friendships
- Children will build emotional resiliency and become responsible members of society
- Children will be on their journey preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.
- Children will be able to use their learning throughout the other subjects and general life experiences
The programme of study developed for our pupils, assemblies and ethos of the school, includes opportunities to link British Values and The Three Schools’ key skills into the curriculum. The curriculum starts in the Early Years with Personal Social and Emotional Development and follows the children through to Year 6. The distribution of the lessons complements key campaigns throughout the year such as Anti-bullying Week, Black History month, Remembrance Day, Mental Health Week, NSPCC / Children in Need, etc.
Teachers plan for activities which suit the ethos of PSHE and very much support speaking and listening. All learning activities provide an opportunity for students for pupils to develop their skills, knowledge and attitude: never underestimate the impact of children debating or discussing; even practising using language or talking about feelings can help them develop key skills for the future.
At The Three Schools we believe that we deliver a curriculum that best suits the needs of our children. We believe that the purpose of PSHE education is to build, where appropriate, on the statutory guidance outlined in the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
We believe that PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and as well as discrete focused lessons, it is also embedded throughout the curriculum and school ethos. PSHE is integral to the development of children’s values in order for them to become a positive citizen in a forever changing community. PSHE is an important part of school assemblies were children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.