Swanbourne - Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 where we like to learn and work hard, whilst having fun in the process. Mrs Mailer is our class teacher and Mrs Millard and Mrs Newman support our learning.
In our class we enjoy the challenge of learning new things and trying hard to improve our work, always thinking about whether it is the best we can do. We are learning that it is okay to get things wrong - and to try things again. We work hard and know that sometimes we need to try things several times to get it right. We enjoy collecting house-points and look forward to the weekly celebration assembly to find out which team has won and who has won the 'Shine Award' for demonstrating our school values.
In our class we enjoy making links across the subjects as well as within subjects – everything links to something else.
We look forward to special days and trips out. We have visits to support our learning in history: one trip includes an Anglo Saxon and an archaeology workshop in the Spring term at the Chiltern open Air Museum. In the summer term we plan a trip to the Living Rainforest to help us with our Geography project. We enjoy many special days in school: book week, visits from an author, history and science days to name a few.
In the Summer term Year 3 will have the amazing opportunity to go on a trip to Caldecotte Lake for the day, where we will learn how to sail, try out climbing and abseiling and have a go at a high ropes course.
The children are lucky to be able to work with our specialist music teacher, and they have great fun learning the ukulele. The children also benefit enormously from working with, our specialist teacher, Miss J for Art and DT producing some amazing work.
Year 3 are: Hard-working - Friendly - Creative!