Swanbourne - Year 6
In Year 6 we like to learn and work hard whilst having fun in the process! Ms Flefel is our Year 6 teacher (Tue-Fri) and Mrs Featherston on Mondays. Mrs Morris and Miss Standring are our teaching assistants. We are also very lucky to have Miss Jeffery teach us Art/DT every Tuesday morning.
Our Year 6 pupils enjoy some extra privileges and responsibilities, such as a week's residential trip during the summer term and getting to sit on chairs in Collective Worship. They also have the opportunity to take on many roles within the school, including becoming librarians, House Captains, Sports Captains and Playground leaders. On Open Days current Year 6 students show parents around and explain to them all the things that go on in our school.
We have to work very hard in Year 6 taking our SATs tests in May, as well as getting ready to move on to Secondary School. However, it is not all hard work. We do lots of exciting topics: French and Russian Revolution, Suffragettes, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Evolution and Inheritance are just a few examples. To help with our learning, we go on lots of exciting trips including going to the Natural History Museum and doing Shakespeare Workshop in Stratford-upon-Avon. We also learn 3 different languages to help us decide our choice in secondary school and host a French Breakfast for family and friends in the summer.
Not only do we work incredibly hard, but we also have lots of fun, including a Leavers' day out and a Leavers' service at the end of the year - not forgetting the Year 6 production!
These are just some of the reasons why our past students are left with such happy memories of Year 6 and their time at Swanbourne School.
Year 6 is: Exciting – Educational – Engaging!