Swanbourne - Year 4
In Year 4, we are inquisitive, passionate learners who are driven to achieve the best we can. Mr Mitchell is our class teacher and he is ably supported by Mrs Mann and Miss Ransley. We work hard to develop a growth mindset to challenge and welcome responsibility. In our class, we consistently display the school’s Christian values by helping and respecting one another, as well as celebrating our achievements.
In Year 4, the children enjoy enriching experiences including visits to the Roman Verulamium in St Albans and a residential at Woodrow High.
Throughout the year, we enjoy exciting topics that further our understanding of the world around us; the Romans and English Civil War in History; Rivers and Mountains in Geography; Electricity and Sound in Science; Recorders in Music; Dance and Swimming in PE; plus much more across our exciting curriculum.
Year 4 are: Passionate, Fun and Supportive!